Week 18 – “The Spiderwick Chronicles” Title Sequence Project 3 Final


This day marks the end of Visual Narrative class and the completion of this Project. I enjoyed the whole thing to be honest. There were times that I found it difficult to work and I continuously got tired but I tried my best and that is all I could ask for. As someone who isn’t comfortable with editing and filming, I was faces with many challenges throughout the project, and found alternatives to fix my problems.  I used all three of the communication methods (Pragmatic, Persuasive, and Poetic) to communicate what the film is about without giving it away in my title sequence. Restraining myself really helped me with getting myself together and making a box that I would think in. Creating my own boundaries made the process easier. The storyboarding helped my with thinking about my ideas and expressing them visually and made all my floating ideas physical. I have completed the project and would definitely want to learn more about editing videos in the near future.

Final Video:

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